About Me

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My name is Justin Nassivera and I am currently in my Junior year at SUNY Cortland studying Physical Education. I'm a huge sports fan and love my Boston Celtics and Red Sox. Basketball, Baseball, and Golf are huge passions of mine and would love to coach them someday in the school setting. I have always loved teaching and coaching kids and have always wanted to become a PE teacher because it was always my favorite class in school. Many people have strong opinions against physical education and I believe that myself and other physical educators need to spread the word of what exactly we are doing in the PE world. Also check out my professional portfolio at www.jnassiveraportfolio.weebly.com

Monday, April 16, 2012

Teaching Table Tennis

Today I taught my Lab D assignment. I taught table tennis and I thought it went okay. I didn't do everything that I'd planned, but that will happen when I'm out in the world teaching. My instant activity was based around my teaching topic HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). I thought it was good because it made the students think about making healthy choices before they eat food. I was dissapointed because I couldn't get my technology to work in the racquetball courts because there was no internet connection. I used Forrest Gump as my hook and the students liked it. I was able to get them playing doubles in a different room. I thought playing doubles would be a good idea because it would allow them to interact with each other more often instead of one partner the entire lesson. I also tried using a separate room and go back and forth but after a minute or so I decided that it would just be easier on myself to keep them all in one room.  
My behavior issue was Trish and Emily. They were trying to flirt with me. I told them that it was inappropriate behavior and that they should not do it anymore. After that they stopped. Overall I thought I did good but I probably should've been a little bit louder. It was very tough and crowded to teach in the racquetball courts but I enjoyed the challenge. As I watched my video I saw that I was a little bit nervous at the start. It wasn't so much that I was nervous to be in front of everyone, but I wanted to make sure that I did well on my last lab of the year. 

Table Tennis Lesson Plan
Table Tennis 40 Activity Progressions
Table Tennis Resource Packet
Time Coding Form
Feedback Analysis Form
TA Evaluation 
Table Tennis Bulletin Board 
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